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Review-Light of Mine

6 Oct

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

We recently received the Light of Mine Unit Study – Premium from Towers of Light Christian Resources LLC.

This premium resource (designed for grades 3-6) includes the Light of Mine high-quality paperback book, the Light of Mine workbook, the Light of Mine MP3 audio book on a USB flash drive, as well as an audio Pathway Personal Player with headphones, cords, and bonus tracks.

The workbook contains memory verses, vocabulary, passages from the book, comprehension questions, puzzles and coloring sheets, and art and science activities.

There is a myriad of ways to utilize these materials. You can choose to do everything or pick and choose-whichever works best for your family. And with the large variety of activities, there is bound to be something that appeals to many different learning styles as well.

In our family, my nine-year-old son was thrilled to listen to the audiobook, while I chose to read the book. He would listen to a chapter a day, and then come to me and we would go through the discussion questions, activities, and of course, read the joke included in each lesson.

My son thoroughly enjoyed listening to the book. He liked the narrator and was thrilled to realize the main characters had a family just like ours (an older girl, and two younger boys.) His favorite character was Ethan, because he saved the day. Which, my son explained to me, meant HE saved the day, because he is the youngest just like Ethan. 🙂

He thought the story was exciting, and really liked the characters and the magical weapons. I have also heard him humming the song “This Little Light of Mine” on a pretty regular basis!

My favorite part of this unit study was that it was so complete. There are memory verses, the reading (or listening), comprehension questions, and fun and interesting projects. I especially appreciated how simple the projects were-not intimidating at all, which is really great for this mama! It is a well-rounded study that can be done as a family, or as an individual.

One downside to this product is the cost. Unless you are going to be using this with several children, it might be cost-prohibitive for the premium edition. The materials are available individually however, so you could always buy the pieces that fit your budget.

If you would like to learn more about the Light of Mine Unit Study – Premium, make sure to visit the Homeschool Review Crew blog to read more reviews!