Archive | April, 2013

Wednesday Words

24 Apr


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So Proud!

20 Apr

Well, this actually happened in February, but I never posted about it.  My Girlio had a piece of her art from school entered into an art contest by her teacher!  It was so fun to attend the showing of everyone’s art, and I am SO proud of her-love her picture!!!


Kids’ Craft #79-Marshmellow Structures

19 Apr

Another Spring Break craft/activity involved marshmellows!  I had seen where people had used marshmellows and toothpicks to create structures, and I thought it would be fun to try with the kids.  The Girlio did a great job of making the shapes I came up with.  The Boy just used a toothpick to spear each and every marshmellow passed his way and eat it.  🙂

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Pinterest Thursday-Kids’ Craft #78-Washi Tape Eggs

18 Apr

Another Spring Break craft:


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I had just received a grab bag of washi tape from Freckled Fawn, and OH, if I had known how fabulous it was going to be, I would have ordered another!  Anyway, they were all perfect spring colors, so I grabbed this craft, and away we went!  We made tons-I used the extra bits of washi (left over after The Girlio cut out the egg shapes) for patchwork ones, but The Girlio made the rest.  I was very impressed with how straight she got the washi tape rows!  Several got made into ornaments for Easter, and the rest were for a new banner to replace our St. Patrick’s Day banner.  Oh, and I did Mod Podge them all so that the tape would be less likely to peel up.



Another easy and fun craft in the books!  🙂

Wednesday Words

17 Apr


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