Kids’ Craft #63-Thank You Cards

21 Dec

This week, The Girlio’s Girl Scout troop had a little Christmas party and received some of the patches they have been working towards.  I volunteered to put together supplies for the girls to make some thank you cards for the various people we visited on field trips this fall-the fire station, the police station, Care and Share (local food bank), and we had a paramedic visit us at a meeting as well.

I basically just punched out a bunch of shapes using scraps from my drawer, included a few doilies cut with my Silhouette, and stamped some of the shapes with a thank you stamp from Studio Calico.  I made a sample card (in case they needed an idea) which is why some of the cards look kind of the same, but really they got to do whatever they wanted.  Here are the cards the girls made:


Turned out cute, didn’t they?

Here is a picture of The Girlio making hers:



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